Install concordium-client

You will use concordium-client as a command line tool to deploy, mint, and transfer. Download it here. Rename the package concordium-client in case it has some version annotation.

If you are not using Ubuntu/Linux as your operating system, the following screenshots will look different. Remember to adjust the following commands based on your operating system.

Go to the folder where you downloaded the concordium-client. You can check if you are in the correct folder when you see the output concordium-client from the command:

$ls | grep 'concordium-client'

Alternatively, if you don’t want to navigate around in the folders, you can add the folder where the concordium-client tool is located to your PATH variable with the command: export PATH="$HOME/path/to/your/concordium-client:$PATH". This allows you to use the following commands (such as concordium-client --help) without prepending them with ./. Effectively, prepending with ./ searches for the executable package in the current directory while omitting ./ searches for the executable package in the PATH variable.

The package is not yet executable. You change this with the command:

$chmod +x concordium-client

Check whether you can execute the concordium-client tool.

$./concordium-client --help

You should see some output that will help you in getting familiar with the concordium-client tool.

The concordium-client the tool allows you to interact with your testnet node. You will find important commands that the concordium-client tool provides here.

Last updated