⛏ī¸Concordium NFT Minting Tutorial with Rust-SDK

This section introduces you to the tutorial and its purpose. It provides an overview of the tutorial's content and objectives with links to resources and the tools that will be used.


This tutorial will guide you through the process of interacting with a CIS-2 token contract to mint an NFT using the Concordium Rust-SDK.

Tutorial Overview

  • You'll deploy and initialize the contract using the SDK.

  • You'll see how to invoke functions like mint(), transfer(), and tokenMetadata() using the SDK.

  • Note that this tutorial focuses on using the SDK and won't cover smart contract development specifics. For more examples, refer to this GitHub repository.


Tutorial Steps

  1. Setting Up Environment:

    • Install the Concordium Smart Contracts VSCode Extension.

    • Ensure Rust-SDK is installed and configured.

  2. Creating the Token Contract:

    • Use the VSCode Extension to create a template contract.

    • Customize the contract for NFT minting purposes.

  3. Deploying and Initializing the Contract:

    • Utilize the Rust-SDK to deploy the contract on the Concordium blockchain.

    • Initialize contract parameters as necessary.

  4. Minting NFTs:

    • Implement the mint() function to create new NFTs.

    • Demonstrate how to mint NFTs using the Rust-SDK.

  5. Transferring NFTs:

    • Implement the transfer() function to transfer ownership of NFTs.

    • Utilize Rust-SDK to transfer NFT ownership.

  6. Retrieving Metadata:

    • Implement the tokenMetadata() function to retrieve NFT metadata.

    • Show how to access NFT metadata via Rust-SDK.

Now, proceed to the next section to begin!

Last updated