📜Smart Contract Implementation

We will modify the CIS-2 Multi contract in this example from the Concordium example smart contracts repository. The full modified contract can be found at the end of this section.

Please keep this in mind, since this is a mid-level tutorial, we assume that you have completed the other token tutorials in the developer portal. Therefore, we will not explain everything in detail.

Before we start implementation of the contract let's go over the example scenario. We will use our beloved, loyal friends in this tutorial. Assume that there is a little puppy that will evolve into a cool little boy and then become a strong dog. Whenever we want to display our pet we will see its latest form and the transformation can be triggered only by the contract owner.

  • We want our d-NFT contract to support multiple metadata.

  • The contract owner can add new metadata to the token and upgrade the existing metadata.

  • We want to see the history of the metadata list.

Smart Contract Modification

Initially, we will start with modifying the state. This step includes adjusting the state variables and creating structs for required logic, getter, and setter functions.

Contract's State Operations

Instead of keeping a MetadataUrl in tokens that represents the URL of the metadata for that token, we will keep another struct called TokenMetadataState. This struct holds a counter value and a list of MetadataUrlwhich lets us have more than one MetadataUrl for a token. The counter keeps the current index value of the present MetadataUrl in the list. When it is upgraded we increment it, and the latest one refers to the current MetadataUrl of the token.

/// The token state keeps a counter variable (as an index)
/// and a list of MetadataUrls. The counter points to the nth index
/// of the list of MetadataUrls. The idea is to return the value at that index
/// when it's queried by the `TokenMetadata` function.
/// When the owner of the contract upgrades this token, the counter will be
/// incremented by 1 so that the next MetadataUrl from the list becomes active.
#[derive(Serial, Deserial, Clone, SchemaType)]
pub struct TokenMetadataState {
    /// The counter is initially 0. When the owner of the contract
    /// upgrades this token, the counter will be incremented by 1.
    pub token_metadata_current_state_counter: u32,
    /// List of MetadataUrls for different stages of the token
    pub token_metadata_list:                  Vec<MetadataUrl>,
impl TokenMetadataState {
    fn add_metadata(&mut self, metadata: MetadataUrl) { self.token_metadata_list.push(metadata); }
/// The contract state,
/// Note: The specification does not specify how to structure the contract state
/// and this could be structured in a more space efficient way.
#[derive(Serial, DeserialWithState)]
#[concordium(state_parameter = "S")]
struct State<S> {
    /// The state of addresses.
    state:        StateMap<Address, AddressState<S>, S>,
    /// Token IDs and the MetadataStates which holds the counter and the list of
    /// MetadataURls
    tokens:       StateMap<ContractTokenId, TokenMetadataState, S>,
    /// Map with contract addresses providing implementations of additional
    /// standards.
    implementors: StateMap<StandardIdentifierOwned, Vec<ContractAddress>, S>,

First, we should modify the mint function in the state accordingly to be able to set initial values when it is invoked. At the initial state of the token, token_metadata_current_state_counter has to be 0 and the token_metadata_list will be given by the MintParams.

/// Mints an amount of tokens with a given address as the owner.
    /// Sets the token's metadata list and the current metadata counter to 0.
    fn mint(
        &mut self,
        token_id: &ContractTokenId,
        mint_param: &MintParam,
        owner: &Address,
        state_builder: &mut StateBuilder<S>,
    ) {
        self.tokens.insert(*token_id, TokenMetadataState {
            token_metadata_current_state_counter: 0,
            token_metadata_list:                  mint_param.metadata_url.clone(),
        let mut owner_state =
            self.state.entry(*owner).or_insert_with(|| AddressState::empty(state_builder));
        let mut owner_balance = owner_state.balances.entry(*token_id).or_insert(0.into());
        *owner_balance += mint_param.token_amount;

Another addition required to the state is the function that lets the contract owner upgrade the token by incrementing the counter of the MetadataUrl index.

/// Picks the next MetadataUrl from the list when token is upgraded by
    /// the contract owner
    fn upgrade_token(&mut self, token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> ContractResult<()> {
        ensure!(self.contains_token(token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);

        let counter = self.get_token_state_medata_counter(token_id);
            counter < self.tokens.get(token_id).unwrap().token_metadata_list.len(),

        self.tokens.get_mut(token_id).unwrap().token_metadata_current_state_counter += 1;

Similarly, we need to create a function to be able to add new metadata.

 /// Adds a new Metadata URL to the MetdataList at a time
    fn add_metadata(
        &mut self,
        token_id: &ContractTokenId,
        mint_param: &MetadataUrl,
    ) -> ContractResult<()> {
        ensure!(self.contains_token(token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);
        let update = MetadataUrl {
            url:  mint_param.url.clone(),
            hash: mint_param.hash,

        let mut token = self.tokens.get_mut(token_id).unwrap();


And the final three functions of the state are the getters of the token, counter, and metadataUrl.

    /// Returns the current counter value which is using for indexing the vector
    /// of MetadataUrls
    fn get_token_state_medata_counter(&self, token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> usize {
        let i = self
            .map(|x| x.to_owned().token_metadata_current_state_counter)
        i as usize

    /// Gets the current MetadataUrl of specified token in the current state.
    fn get_metadata(&self, token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> ContractResult<MetadataUrl> {
        ensure!(self.contains_token(token_id), ContractError::InvalidTokenId);
        let tk = self.tokens.get(token_id).unwrap();
        Ok(tk.token_metadata_list[tk.token_metadata_current_state_counter as usize].clone())

    /// Gets token of given token id
    fn get_token(&self, token_id: &ContractTokenId) -> Option<MetadataUrl> {
        self.tokens.get(token_id).map(|x| {


In this section, we will create the mint function and the required parameters. First of all, we need to modify the MintParams struct as below, as we want to be able to have a list of MetadataUrl while minting, so that the contract owner can mint a d-NFT with more than one metadata.

/// MintParam expects the token amount as TokenAmountU64
/// and a vector of MetadataUrl
#[derive(Serial, Deserial, SchemaType)]
pub struct MintParam {
    /// Number of tokens
    pub token_amount: ContractTokenAmount,
    /// MetadataURLs for a token
    pub metadata_url: Vec<MetadataUrl>,

/// The parameter for the contract function `mint` which mints a number of
/// token types and/or amounts of tokens to a given address.
#[derive(Serial, Deserial, SchemaType)]
pub struct MintParams {
    /// Owner of the newly minted tokens.
    pub owner:  Address,
    /// A collection of tokens to mint.
    pub tokens: collections::BTreeMap<ContractTokenId, MintParam>,

mint entrypoint requires a small change from the example which is for the logged event.

/// Mint new tokens with a given address as the owner of these tokens.
/// Can only be called by the contract owner.
/// Logs a `Mint` and a `TokenMetadata` event for each token.
/// It rejects if:
/// - The sender is not the contract instance owner.
/// - Fails to parse parameter.
/// - Any of the tokens fails to be minted, which could be if:
///     - Fails to log Mint event.
///     - Fails to log TokenMetadata event.
/// Note: Can at most mint 32 token types in one call due to the limit on the
/// number of logs a smart contract can produce on each function call.
    contract = "cis2_dynamic_nft",
    name = "mint",
    parameter = "MintParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_mint<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Get the contract owner
    let owner = ctx.owner();
    // Get the sender of the transaction
    let sender = ctx.sender();

    ensure!(sender.matches_account(&owner), ContractError::Unauthorized);

    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: MintParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;

    let (state, builder) = host.state_and_builder();
    for (token_id, mint_param) in params.tokens {
        // Mint the token in the state.
        state.mint(&token_id, &mint_param, &params.owner, builder);

        // Event for minted token.
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::Mint(MintEvent {
            amount: mint_param.token_amount,
            owner: params.owner,

        // Metadata URL for the token.
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::TokenMetadata::<_, ContractTokenAmount>(TokenMetadataEvent {
            metadata_url: mint_param.metadata_url.first().unwrap().clone(),


Based on our requirements, we want the contract owner be able to add a new MetadataUrl. Please be careful - this is different than upgrading it, which is covered in the next step.

/// The parameter for the contract function `addMetadata` which adds a Metadata
/// URL to the list of Metadata URLs
#[derive(Serial, Deserial, SchemaType)]
pub struct AddParams {
    tokens: collections::BTreeMap<ContractTokenId, MetadataUrl>,

/// The `addMetadata` function adds new MetadataUrls to the state of different
/// token_ids.
    contract = "cis2_dynamic_nft",
    name = "addMetadata",
    parameter = "AddParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_add_metadata<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Get the contract owner
    let owner = ctx.owner();
    // Get the sender of the transaction
    let sender = ctx.sender();

    ensure!(sender.matches_account(&owner), ContractError::Unauthorized);

    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: AddParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;

    let state = host.state_mut();
    for (token_id, metadata) in params.tokens {
        // Add metadata
        state.add_metadata(&token_id, &metadata)?;

        // Metadata URL for the token.
        logger.log(&Cis2Event::TokenMetadata::<_, ContractTokenAmount>(TokenMetadataEvent {
            metadata_url: metadata,


As per the requirements, the contract owner can call the upgrade function. This entrypoint basically calls the state's upgrade function to increment the index.

pub type TokenUpdateParams = ContractTokenId;

/// Only the contract owner can call the `upgrade` function to pint next item in
/// the MetadataUrl list. It requires only tokenId, callable once at a time for
/// a token.

    contract = "cis2_dynamic_nft",
    name = "upgrade",
    parameter = "TokenUpdateParams",
    error = "ContractError",
fn contract_upgrade<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &mut impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
    logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> ContractResult<()> {
    // Get the contract owner
    let owner = ctx.owner();
    // Get the sender of the transaction
    let sender = ctx.sender();

    ensure!(sender.matches_account(&owner), ContractError::Unauthorized);

    // Parse the parameter.

    let token_id: TokenUpdateParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;

    let state = host.state_mut();

    // Upgrades the given token in the state

    logger.log(&Cis2Event::TokenMetadata::<_, ContractTokenAmount>(TokenMetadataEvent {
        metadata_url: state.get_metadata(&token_id)?,


This function is used when you are displaying a token or querying its MetadataUrl which needs some modifications to return the latest element of the list of MetadataUrls for a given token ID.

/// Get the token metadata URL and checksums given a list of token IDs.
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Any of the queried `token_id` does not exist.
    contract = "cis2_dynamic_nft",
    name = "tokenMetadata",
    parameter = "ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams",
    return_value = "TokenMetadataQueryResponse",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_token_metadata<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<TokenMetadataQueryResponse> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    let state = host.state();

    for token_id in params.queries {
        let token_metadata_url = match state.tokens.get(&token_id) {
            Some(token_metadata_url) => token_metadata_url.token_metadata_list
                [token_metadata_url.token_metadata_current_state_counter as usize]
            None => bail!(ContractError::InvalidTokenId),
    let result = TokenMetadataQueryResponse::from(response);


As a final step of the requirements, our contract should return the list of the MetadataUrl that has been contained by any token from its initial state. Therefore, we created a helper struct that holds the MetadataUrls of tokens queried. The tokenMetadataList entrypoint iterates the given token IDs and adds the MetadataUrls to the final vector to return.

#[derive(Serialize, SchemaType)]
struct TokenMetadataList {
    all_tokens_metadatas: Vec<Vec<MetadataUrl>>,
/// Get the complete Metadata URLs for given token_ids
/// It rejects if:
/// - It fails to parse the parameter.
/// - Any of the queried `token_id` does not exist.
    contract = "cis2_dynamic_nft",
    name = "tokenMetadataList",
    parameter = "ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams",
    return_value = "TokenMetadataList",
    error = "ContractError"
fn contract_token_metadata_list<S: HasStateApi>(
    ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext,
    host: &impl HasHost<State<S>, StateApiType = S>,
) -> ContractResult<TokenMetadataList> {
    // Parse the parameter.
    let params: ContractTokenMetadataQueryParams = ctx.parameter_cursor().get()?;
    // Build the response.
    let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(params.queries.len());
    let state = host.state();

    for token_id in params.queries {
        let token_metadata_url = match state.tokens.get(&token_id) {
            Some(token_metadata_url) => token_metadata_url.token_metadata_list.clone(),
            None => bail!(ContractError::InvalidTokenId),
    Ok(TokenMetadataList {
        all_tokens_metadatas: response,

Last updated