Installing Concordium Wallet

This section walks you through installing and configuring Concordium Wallet, performing transactions, exporting keys, and importing keys into Concordium Client Configuration.

Introduction to Concordium Wallet

The Concordium Wallet is a digital tool designed to securely store and manage assets on the Concordium blockchain network. It provides users with a convenient interface to interact with their Concordium accounts, facilitating transactions, account management, and asset transfers.

Step 1: Install Concordium Wallet for Web

Install the Concordium Wallet extension on your preferred Chromium web browser by clicking "Add to Chrome" on your Chrome web store:

Next, add the Concordium Wallet as an extension by clicking "Add extension":

After a successful download, you will see the following prompt on your screen:

Step 2: Create a New Wallet

  1. Access your Concordium Wallet by navigating to the puzzle icon on the right-hand side and top of your browser, and click "Concordium Wallet":

  1. Accept the terms and conditions, then click "Continue":

  1. Set up your passcode, which must be at least six characters, and click "Continue":

  1. Create a new wallet by selecting "Create":

Selecting the "Restore" button recovers an existing wallet.

  1. Copy and save your 24-word secret recovery phrase securely:

The wallet utilizes a 24-word secret recovery phrase to enhance security. It's essential to safeguard this recovery phrase as it grants access to your wallet.

Step 3: Configure Concordium Wallet for Testnet

  1. Log in to your newly created wallet by entering your passkey and typing in your 24-word recovery phrase, and clicking "Continue":

  1. Choose the network to connect your wallet, either Concordium Mainnet or Testnet. For this tutorial, select "Concordium Testnet":

  1. Verify that you have connected your wallet to the Concordium Testnet network by navigating to your menu and selecting "Wallet Settings", then click "Network settings":

  1. Request an identity from one of the identity providers by clicking "Request Identity":

  1. Choose "Concordium testnet IP" from the list as your identity provider to request an identity:

Afterward, an external web page will open, as shown in the next step.

  1. Enter the information requested by the Concordium testnet identity provider:

Note: The information required might vary depending on the identity provider.

After submitting your information, your request will be sent to your identity provider for verification. It usually takes a while to see the result of the verification:

Note that no ID is required for creating identities on the Concordium testnet IP. Test identities are exclusively meant for testing purposes on the testnet environment.

Step 4: Create an Account

  1. Click "Create Account" to create an account in your wallet:

  1. Select the Identity to use for the account by clicking "Concordium identity":

  1. Click "Create new account" to create the account using the Concordium identity:

Afterward you will see the following showing that your account has been created:

Step 5: Perform Transactions

  1. Click the menu icon at the bottom of the wallet interface and click "Request CCD":

This will prompt the faucet to send you CCDs (Concordium Crypto Dollars) for the testnet:

  1. Utilize the Concordium Wallet interface to access the transaction window and initiate transactions by clicking the green button circled below:

  1. Within the transaction window, you can specify the desired amount of CCDs and the recipient's address:

Take note of the 'Estimated transaction fee,' which is 0.018306 for this transaction. This allows you to estimate the costs beforehand and helps you calculate your business expenses in the future.

  1. Click "Continue" and the address of the sender and reciever will be displayed along with the amountv of CCDs being transfered:

  1. Click "Send" to submit the transaction:

  1. Click "Finish" and your public balance total, public amount at disposal, stake/delegation amount, and the amount of CCDs transferred will be diplayed:

Step 5: Export Keys

Following transaction activities, you need to export the keys associated with your Concordium Wallet for future use.

  1. On your wallet, go to "Accounts" and click the following icon circled and click "Export private key":

  1. Enter your passcode and click "Show private key":

  1. Click the "Export" button to view and copy your private key or download the file containing the keys in the same directory that contains your "concordium-client":

The exported file will have a name like this <YOUR PUBLIC ADDRESS>.export. It also contains these keys signKey, verifyKey.

  1. Open the exported file in a text editor to view and copy your signKey and verifyKey:

These keys will be necessary for deploying and interacting with contracts on the Concordium blockchain.

Step 6: Import Keys into Concordium Client Configuration

  1. Transfer the exported key file to the directory where your Concordium client tool operates.

  2. In the directory, import the keys into the Concordium client configuration by running the following command in your terminal:

concordium-client config account import <Wallet.export> --name <Your-Wallet-Name>.json

Replace <Wallet> and <Your-Wallet-Name> with the name of your exported file, which is your wallet's public address.

  1. Enter your encryption password:

  1. Your keys will be imported into your Concordium Client Configuration:

Note: This step ensures seamless integration between your Concordium Wallet and the client tool.

Last updated